Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Frog OTK

Frogs are the first water/aqua archtype with all the cards featuring "Frog" in the card name (With a couple of exceptions). At first when this archtype was introduced in Cybernetic Revolution, not much was thought of them due to the lack of support released at the time. Yet as time elapsed more and more support was released such as the field card Wetlands to give all your frogs a big attack boost. Combined with Gravity Bind this deck was quite annoying due to the low levels of the frogs sneaking under Gravity Bind and the attack boost of Wetlands, this early frog deck was a pain to face but not unbeatable!

In the most recent set "The Shining Darkness" a new card was released for frogs, Ronintoadin,
Now Ronintoadin is not technically a frog card as it does not feature the word frog in the name, but it is the main focus of one of the most consistant and difficult to stop OTK decks seen this format! The Frog/Mass Driver OTK!

This deck at the moment is one of the cheapest tournament winning decks, with Rodrigo Togores Moli winning the European Championship 2010 (Birmingham, England) using this deck beating Infernities in the final! Most noteable about this match up was that both decks can OTK, but even more shocking is the massive price tag difference!

Now the deck it self revolves around 4 cards, Substitoad, Swap Frog, Ronintoadin and Mass Driver

As with any deck, if you get the right opening hand you can win there and then. The Frog OTK is no exception. By opening with a hand with Substitoad, Swap Frog, Mass Driver then you can confidently say the game is yours! But how? This is how:

~Discard a Water type monster to special summon Swap Frog (Preferably a frog like Des Frog, Poison Draw Frog, Flip Flop Frog, Treeborn Frog etc)

~Use Swap Frog's effect to send Ronintoadin from your deck to the graveyard

~Normal summon Substitoad

~Use Substitoad's effect tributing Swap Frog to special summon another frog from your deck to the field

~Repeat until there is at least 21 frogs in your grave (At least one being a Ronintoadin)

~Activate Mass Driver

~Remove a frog from your grave to special summon Roanintoadin

~Tribute Roanintoadin with Mass Drivers effect for 400 damage

~Repeat the last two steps another 19 times to take the game (20x400 = 8000)

Now, that is ideally what you would want to do if you have the perfect opening hand! Which we all know doesn't happen. So what do we do if we don't open with the perfect hand? Use as many spells as possible to set up the OTK! Such spells suitable for this deck include, Moray of Greed, Salvage, and One for One.

These 3 cards are very important in the Frog OTK, as Moray of Greed and Salvage work in sync to add 2 frogs to your hand with Salvage and then return them to the deck using Moray of Greed for an instant +1 in the hope of drawing Mass Driver or One for One.
One for one is a rather popular card in Frog decks, Infernities and even in some X-saber builds!
It allows you to discard a monster from your hand to the grave (Hopefully Roadintoadin) to special summon one level one monster from your deck, and what you get? Substitoad!!! and provided you already have a monster on the field, you can then get to loading your grave full of frogs, and if you have Mass Driver in your hand, let the OTK commence!!
I hope you have enjoyed this guide to the Frog OTK!

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